Take Care

GPR equipment cost a great deal of money. Make sure your techs know how much it cost and they are responsible for taking care of the equipment.

Do Not Undersell

Ground Penetrating Radar is a specialty service which yields premium prices. If you start to undersell it is very difficult to raise your prices later. Start high and lower your prices only in rare cases. Sell your quality service.

Save your data

It is important to save your data for two reasons. You may need to refer to it after the project is complete…for example, using the data in a report. Also, it is a good idea to review your data collected for a comparative analysis.

Don’t drive too fast

When operating your GPR equipment, do not scan too fast. If you move the scanning equipment too quickly you can over speed collection and sometimes miss critical data.

Slow and Steady

Do not rush when you start collecting and laying out your data collected. This can cause errors in reporting your findings correctly.